
Monday, July 16, 2012

What is this Vital Right Motivation?

The Noble 8-fold Way, leading to Nibbāna, is simply this:
Right View
Right Motivation
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Awareness
Right Concentration
But what is Right Motivation?

Right Motivation is Triple:

1: The Motivation for Withdrawal is:
Being motivated by a general absence of greed, craving, and desire!
Being motivated by generous giving  relinquishing all possessiveness.
Being motivated by detachment  from the five sense-desires of urge
for alluring and tempting sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches...
Being motivated by cutting attachment  to the 5 clusters of clinging
to forms, feelings, perceptions, constructions and consciousness...
Such radical renunciation is Right Motivation!

2: The Motivation for Non-Ill-Will = Friendly Goodwill is:
Being motivated by universal friendliness, infinite goodwill, care,
non-anger, hatelessness and  a sympathy wishing and working for all
sentient being's happiness, content, comfort, benefit and welfare...
Such gentle kindness is Right Motivation!

3: The Motivation for Non-Violence = Harmlessness is:
Being motivated by absolute non-violence, absence of cruelty, and by
compassionate pity, thereby offering all sentient beings guaranteed
safety and  protection from any evil, painful, bad or wrong treatment...
Such giving of protective fearlessness to all is Right Motivation!

The opposites of these advantageous intentions are Wrong Motivation...

Further study:
Majjhima Nikāya 117. Maha-cattarisaka Sutta: The Discourse on The Great Forty:

Right  Motivation!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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