
Monday, October 8, 2012

Blessing all Beings by Bliss:

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The Blessed Buddha Once said:

 I am a friend and helper to all,
 I am sympathetic to all living beings.
 I develop a mind full of love
 and takes always delight in harmlessness.
 I gladden my mind, fill it with joy,
 and make it immovable and unshakable.
 I develop the divine states of mind
 not cultivated by simple men.
 Theragatha. 648-9

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 I am a friend of the footless,
 I am a friend of the bipeds;
 I am a friend of those with four feet,
 I am a friend of the many-footed.
 May not the footless harm me,
 may not the bipeds harm me,
 may not those with four feet harm me,
 and may not those with many feet harm me.
 AN II 72

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 Thus he who both day and night
 takes delight in harmlessness
 sharing love with all that live,
 finds enmity with none.
 Samyutta Nikāya. I 208
Description: D:\Mydocs\My Web Sites\What_Buddha_Said\Pics\marmot.metta.jpg

 When one with a mind of love
 feels compassion for the entire world
 above, below and across,
 unlimited everywhere.
 Jataka 37

Description: D:\Mydocs\My Web Sites\What_Buddha_Said\Pics\dog.metta.jpg

 Among tigers, lions, leopards & bears I lived on the wood.
 No one was frightened of me, nor did I fear anyone.
 Uplifted by such universal friendliness I enjoyed the forest.
 Finding great solace in silent yet friendly solitude.
 Suvanna-sama Jataka 540

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May All Beings be in Bliss!

Have a nice & noble day!
Description: signature.picDescription: Bowing_Bhikkhu 
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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