
The blessed Buddha once said:
One should dwell reflecting on all phenomena as mental states in the light
of these Four Noble Truths. How does one do so? One sees, understands,
and knows it as it verily is:

More on 1st Noble Truth: This is Suffering: drops/IV/Samsaric_Dread.htm drops/IV/Devoured_by_Delight. htm drops/IV/Sour_Sense_Sources. htm drops/IV/The_Samsaric_Round. htm drops/IV/The_3_Divine_ Messages.htm

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
The 1st Noble Truth: All this is Suffering!!
The blessed Buddha once said:
One should dwell reflecting on all phenomena as mental states in the light
of these Four Noble Truths. How does one do so? One sees, understands,
and knows it as it verily is:
All this and such is suffering! Craving is the cause & origin of all suffering!
The total absence of all craving is the ceasing of all suffering!
This Noble 8-fold Way is the only method to eliminate all suffering!
The total absence of all craving is the ceasing of all suffering!
This Noble 8-fold Way is the only method to eliminate all suffering!
And what, Bhikkhus, is this 1st Noble Truth of Suffering?
Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, decay is suffering, death is suffering.
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, & discontent are suffering. Being joined
with any disliked is suffering. Being separated from any liked is suffering.
Not getting what one wants is suffering. Getting what one does not want is
suffering. In short, the five clusters of clinging are suffering.
And what, Bhikkhus, is birth?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is birth, coming into being,
emergence, appearance, manifestation of the 5 clusters clusters of clinging,
development of the ability to sense, that, Bhikkhus, is called birth...
And what, Bhikkhus, is ageing?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is ageing, decaying, broken
teeth, grey hair, wrinkled skin, shrinking & fading away, weakening of the
ability to sense, that, Bhikkhus, is called ageing...
And what, Bhikkhus, is death?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is a passing away, cut off,
disappearance, death, dying, an ending, a breaking-up of the clusters, a loss
of the body, a loss of the mind, that, Bhikkhus, is called death...
And what, Bhikkhus, is sorrow?
Whenever, by any kind of tragedy, one is feeling pain, sorrow, frustration,
distress, internal misery, or internal sadness, that Bhikkhus, is called sorrow.
And what, Bhikkhus, is lamentation?
Whenever, by any kind of misfortune, anyone is affected by something sad
and there is crying out, grieving, moaning, wailing & weeping, that is called
And what is pain?
Whatever bodily painful feeling, bodily unpleasant feeling, whatever painful
or unpleasant feeling resulting from bodily contact, that is called pain...
And what, Bhikkhus, is sadness?
Whatever mental painful feeling, mental unpleasant feeling, all frustration
resulting from mental contact, that, Bhikkhus, is called sadness...
And what, Bhikkhus, is discontent?
Whenever, by any kind of anguish, one is disappointed, dissatisfied, feeling
discomfort, dismay, uneasiness, frustration, that is called discontent...
And what Bhikkhus, is being joined with the disliked?
Here whoever has unwanted, undesirable and disliked sights, sounds, smells,
tastes, touches or mental states, or whoever are forced into association, &
dependence to enemies, that is called being joined with the disliked...
And what is being separated from the liked?
Here whoever has what is wanted, liked, and pleasant sights, sounds, smells,
tastes, touches, mental states, or whoever enjoys company of well-wishers,
mother or father, brother or sister, younger or elders, friends or colleagues,
and then is loosing this company, connection, or union, that is called being
separated from the liked...
And what is not getting what one wants and getting what one not wants?
In beings subject to birth, ageing, decay, sickness & death, this wish arises:
"Oh may we not meet any birth, ageing, decay, sickness & death." But such
freedom cannot be gained by naive wishing. In all beings prone to sorrow,
lamentation, pain, sadness, stress & frustration this childish wish arises:
"Oh may we not be afflicted by any sorrow, lamentation, pain, or sadness",
despite none such freedom ever can be won by mere wishing.
That is not getting what one wants, while getting what one not wants...
And what, Bhikkhus, are the five clusters of clusters of clinging?
The five clusters of clusters of clinging are as follows:
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of form,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of feeling,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of perception,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of mental constructions,
The cluster of clinging to kinds of consciousness.
These are the five clusters of clusters of clinging, that all are suffering.
And that, Bhikkhus, is called the 1st Noble Truth of Suffering...
Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, decay is suffering, death is suffering.
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, & discontent are suffering. Being joined
with any disliked is suffering. Being separated from any liked is suffering.
Not getting what one wants is suffering. Getting what one does not want is
suffering. In short, the five clusters of clinging are suffering.
And what, Bhikkhus, is birth?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is birth, coming into being,
emergence, appearance, manifestation of the 5 clusters clusters of clinging,
development of the ability to sense, that, Bhikkhus, is called birth...
And what, Bhikkhus, is ageing?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is ageing, decaying, broken
teeth, grey hair, wrinkled skin, shrinking & fading away, weakening of the
ability to sense, that, Bhikkhus, is called ageing...
And what, Bhikkhus, is death?
In whatever being & group of individuality, there is a passing away, cut off,
disappearance, death, dying, an ending, a breaking-up of the clusters, a loss
of the body, a loss of the mind, that, Bhikkhus, is called death...
And what, Bhikkhus, is sorrow?
Whenever, by any kind of tragedy, one is feeling pain, sorrow, frustration,
distress, internal misery, or internal sadness, that Bhikkhus, is called sorrow.
And what, Bhikkhus, is lamentation?
Whenever, by any kind of misfortune, anyone is affected by something sad
and there is crying out, grieving, moaning, wailing & weeping, that is called
And what is pain?
Whatever bodily painful feeling, bodily unpleasant feeling, whatever painful
or unpleasant feeling resulting from bodily contact, that is called pain...
And what, Bhikkhus, is sadness?
Whatever mental painful feeling, mental unpleasant feeling, all frustration
resulting from mental contact, that, Bhikkhus, is called sadness...
And what, Bhikkhus, is discontent?
Whenever, by any kind of anguish, one is disappointed, dissatisfied, feeling
discomfort, dismay, uneasiness, frustration, that is called discontent...
And what Bhikkhus, is being joined with the disliked?
Here whoever has unwanted, undesirable and disliked sights, sounds, smells,
tastes, touches or mental states, or whoever are forced into association, &
dependence to enemies, that is called being joined with the disliked...
And what is being separated from the liked?
Here whoever has what is wanted, liked, and pleasant sights, sounds, smells,
tastes, touches, mental states, or whoever enjoys company of well-wishers,
mother or father, brother or sister, younger or elders, friends or colleagues,
and then is loosing this company, connection, or union, that is called being
separated from the liked...
And what is not getting what one wants and getting what one not wants?
In beings subject to birth, ageing, decay, sickness & death, this wish arises:
"Oh may we not meet any birth, ageing, decay, sickness & death." But such
freedom cannot be gained by naive wishing. In all beings prone to sorrow,
lamentation, pain, sadness, stress & frustration this childish wish arises:
"Oh may we not be afflicted by any sorrow, lamentation, pain, or sadness",
despite none such freedom ever can be won by mere wishing.
That is not getting what one wants, while getting what one not wants...
And what, Bhikkhus, are the five clusters of clusters of clinging?
The five clusters of clusters of clinging are as follows:
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of form,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of feeling,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of perception,
The cluster of clinging to all kinds of mental constructions,
The cluster of clinging to kinds of consciousness.
These are the five clusters of clusters of clinging, that all are suffering.
And that, Bhikkhus, is called the 1st Noble Truth of Suffering...
More on 1st Noble Truth: This is Suffering:
Source (edited extract):
The Long Speeches of the Buddha. Digha Nikāya. Book II [308-]
Thread: The Foundations of Awareness. Mahāsatipatthāna Sutta 22. cgi?prod_id=251033
http://www.accesstoinsight. org/canon/digha/index.html
The Long Speeches of the Buddha. Digha Nikāya. Book II [308-]
Thread: The Foundations of Awareness. Mahāsatipatthāna Sutta 22.
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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