Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Energy Boosts Advantageous Right Effort!

By energy, one strives and struggles, thus is it enthusiastic effort.
Any advantageous exertion of endeavour is a right effort.
By Energy, one works in the right direction, thus is it right effort.
Energy is Right, because it eliminates all the ugly and evil mentalities!
Energy is Effort, because it brings progress of well-being and bliss!
Thus is it Right Effort... It is a name for Energy... Viriya!
Energetic Right Effort achieves these four functions:
1: Elimination of already arisen detrimental mental states!
2: Preventing the arising of detrimental states, that have not yet arisen!
3: Initiation of advantageous mental states, that have not yet arisen!
4: Maintenance & expansion of already arisen advantageous mental states!
Thus is it fourfold. That is why it is called the 4 right efforts...
For a full Study on Energy (Viriya): The root Hero of all Success:

Source:  The Path of Purification:
Visuddhimagga by Ariya Buddhaghosa from 5th century AC.
Energy Boosts Effort!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Friendly + Unselfish = Honourable!

 Daily Fine Words of the Blessed Buddha: 
The Blessed Buddha once said:Sangāhako mittakaro,
Vadaññū vītamaccharo,
Netā vinetā anunetā,
Tādiso labhate yasam.

Friendly + Unselfish = Honourable!
Who is hospitable, and friendly, generous and unselfish,
A guide, a teacher, a leader, such one will to honour attain.
Dīgha Nikāya 3.273

Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Harmful is all false speech, lying, pretending, deceiving, & misleading!

Once in Savatthi the Blessed Buddha said this:
What, householder friends, is the Dhamma explanation befitting for oneself?
Here, householder friends, a Noble Disciple reflects thus: If someone were to
damage my welfare with false speech, lying, pretending, deceiving, & misleading,
that would neither be pleasing nor agreeable to me. Similarly, if I were speak
false to, lie to, pretend, deceive, and mislead another being, that would damage
that being's welfare & would neither be pleasing nor agreeable nor acceptable
to that other being either....
What is displeasing and disagreeable to me, is also displeasing and disagreeable
to any other being too. How can I harm & hurt another being with what provoke
annoy and exasperate myself? Having reflected repeatedly thus, then gradually:
1: He/she will carefully avoid all false speech, deception, and deceitfulness...
2: He/she will persuade others also to abstain from all false speech and lying...
3: He/she will praise speaking only honest, trustworthy, plain, straight Truth...
In this very way is this advantageous verbal behaviour purified in 3 respects!!
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. [V:354-5]
section 55: Sotāpattisamyutta. Thread 7: To the people at the Bamboo gate...
One should never harm other beings by Deceiving them with False Speech!
Avoid all False Speech!!!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Monday, January 21, 2013

Serene Equanimity promotes imperturbable Peace:


Equanimity just looks on and observes, while calmly settled in composed neutrality.
Equanimity is characterized as promoting the aspect of impartiality among beings.
Its function is to see the equality of all beings. It is manifested as the quieting of
both resentment and approval. Its proximate cause is seeing and comprehending
the ownership and efficacy of kamma thus: All beings are owners of their actions,
born, created and conditioned by the accumulated effect of their past intentions!
Whose, if not theirs, is the choice by which they have become happy, or unhappy,
or will break free from suffering, or have fallen down from their past good state?
Equanimity succeeds, when it makes both resentment and approval subside, and it
fails, when it instead produces a bored, indifferent, & careless state of negligence
Vism I 318
Comments:Non-involved and even Equanimity is a subtle form of happiness... By stabilization
it perfects and consummates all the other six links to awakening: Awareness,
Investigation, Energy, Joy, Tranquillity and Concentration. Equanimity is proximate
cause for knowing and seeing it, as it really is. Equanimity quenches any agitation!
When seeing and noting: 'All this is constructed, conditioned, coarse and transient!
But this state of serene equanimity is indeed exquisitely peaceful...', then instantly
ceases any arisen agreeable or nasty feeling, when Equanimity takes its stance...!
The Power of Equanimity eliminates agitation, wavering & panic!
Serene is Equanimity...
Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

1 Million Children Training Buddhist Meditation!
If they can, so can U!
Wisdom grows from meditation. From no meditation wisdom fades…
Knowing this relation between progress and decay any clever one would settle on the pure &
practical way to growth of genuine understanding.
Dhammapada 282

Meditation Manuals here:
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Friday, January 18, 2013

Meditation Course starts online next week

Meditation Course starts online next week

Vipassanā Fellowship's New Year online course begins on 26th January and there is still time to join us. The twelve week course provides a great start to a new year with the opportunity to learn to meditate - or to develop an existing mindfulness practice in the company of others from around the world. The course focuses on developing a fruitful and sustainable meditation practice.

The courses have been offered since 1997 and they have proven helpful to meditators in many countries. The 12 week course serves as a practical introduction to samatha (tranquillity or serenity) and vipassanā (insight) techniques. Intended primarily for beginners, of any faith or none, the course is also suitable for experienced meditators who wish to explore different aspects of the tradition. The emphasis is on building a balanced meditation practice that is compatible with home life.

The course offers daily material for each of the 12 weeks, interaction between participants and support from the tutor. Participants also have access to a audio guided meditations and chants to support the text. The course will be led by UK based meditation teacher Andrew Quernmore.

The course begins on January 26th and ends on April 19th. Application details and further information is available here:

The Twin Truths won by keen Dual Consideration:

The blessed Buddha once said:
Friends, the first consideration is:
Whatever Suffering arises, all does so caused by Contact!
Another consequent consideration is:
By stopping Contact, there cannot ever arise any Suffering!
The fool immerses himself in contact and suffers thereby, when it fades.
The wise by comprehending this inherent danger in any contact withdraw,
by quenching his urge for contacting ever changing imprints of sensation...
Considering these twin truths cautiously, resolutely and enthusiastically,
one may either enter the state of Nibbāna right here and now in this life,
or if there is lasting traces of clinging left, the state of a non-returner...
Those who neglect understanding of contact, the origin of contact, the end
of contact, and how contact is completely eliminated, are thus incapable of
release by understanding, are thus incapable of mental release, are thus
incapable of direct knowledge, and are thus incapable of making an end...
They repeat birth, ageing, decay, sickness and death ever again...
While those who undertake understanding of contact, Origin, End and Way,
are quite capable of mental release by understanding, and capable of making
an end... They are near the deathless dimension!
On Contact (Phassa):'s_Horns_6.htm
Contact Clings...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Twin Truths won by keen Dual Consideration:

The blessed Buddha once said:
Friends, the first consideration is:
Whatever Suffering arises, it does so caused by Consciousness!
Another consequent and subsequent consideration is:
By ending Consciousness , there cannot ever arise any Suffering!
Knowing this danger: All Suffering emerges due to Consciousness, and by
stopping consciousness, there cannot therefore ever be any pain!, any with
intelligence would quench his craving, and latent urge for being conscious...
Considering these twin truths cautiously, resolutely and enthusiastically,
one may either enter the state of Nibbāna right here and now in this life,
or if there is lasting traces of clinging left, the state of a non-returner...
Those who neglect the understanding of consciousness itself,  the cause of
consciousness, the end of consciousness, & how consciousness is completely
eliminated, are incapable of release by understanding, are thus incapable
of mental release, are incapable of direct knowledge, and are thereby also
incapable of making an end...They repeat birth, ageing, decay, sickness and
death ever again! While those who undertake understanding of Consciousness,
Origin, End & Way, are quite capable of mental release by understanding,
and capable of making an end... They are indeed near the deathless dimension!

On the early Buddhist definition of Consciousness (viññāna):
Consciousness Causes Collapse...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Breakthrough to the Truths Safeguards Against Downfall Rebirth!

The Blessed Gotama Buddha once explained:
Bhikkhus and friends, see this little bit of dust, I have taken up upon the nail of my
little-finger?  What do you think is most: This tiny bit of dust or this great Planet Earth?
The Bhikkhus then responded:  Venerable Sir, this great Planet Earth is much, much more,
incomparably more. This speck of dust is trifling, microscopic, & negligible in comparison.

The Blessed Gotama Buddha then pointed out:
Similarly & exactly so too, Bhikkhus, those who are reborn among human beings are few
and quite rare, beings reborn elsewhere, lower, as non-humans are much more numerous
and common. Why is it so?  Because, Bhikkhus, they have not seen the 4 Noble Truths!
What four?
1: This is Suffering;
2: Craving is the Cause of Suffering;
3: No Craving is the End of Suffering;
4: The Noble 8-fold Way Ends all Suffering.
Therefore, Bhikkhus and friends, exertion should be made right Now to understand:
All This is Suffering; This Greedy Craving is the sole Cause of all Suffering; No Craving is
the End of Suffering; The Noble 8-fold Way Ends all Suffering. Therefore should effort
to fathom these 4 Noble Truths be made right NOW!

Animals are much more common than humans (trillions of billions of insects and fish),
since this rebirth at this level is much more common!  Similarly with ghosts, demons,
and hell beings.  Downfall to these states are common, because evil and immoral actions
such as Killing, Stealing, Lying, Sexually Abusing, Drinking and Drugging are common!
Ethics is thus the core factor of creation and conditioning of any future being...

Video illustrating life among humans, in heaven and in hell:

For details on this Round of Rebirths: Samsara see:

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. [V:465-6]
section 56: Saccasamyutta. Thread 61: The Downfall ...
Rare is Human Rebirth!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Twin Truths won by Dual Consideration:

The blessed Buddha once said:
Friends, the first consideration is:
Whatever Suffering arises, all that is caused by Mental Construction!
The consequent second consideration is:
Stilling of all Mental Construction, thereby ceases all Suffering completely!
Knowing this danger: - All Suffering is caused by Mental Construction -,
by silencing all experience, sensation and feeling, the wise escapes all Suffering!
Considering these twin truths cautiously, resolutely and enthusiastically, one may
either enter the state of Nibbāna right here and now in this life, or if there is
remaining traces of clinging left, the state of a non-returner. Those who neglect
understanding of mental construction, the origin of mental construction, the end
of mental construction, and how mental construction is irreversibly eliminated,
are incapable of release by understanding, are incapable of mental release,
are incapable of direct knowledge, and are thereby incapable of making an end...
They repeat birth, ageing, decay, sickness and death ever again... While those who
undertake understanding of mental construction, Origin, End and Way, indeed
are capable of mental release by understanding by reaching assured certainty,
and thus capable of making an end... They are near the deathless dimension!
More on Mental Construction (Sankhāra):
On Stilling and Ceasing of all Mental Construction (Nirodha):
Stilled_but_not_Dead, Ceasing, 9_Stillings, Experiencing_Ceasing

The Twin Truths!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]