How to train endless Pity and Compassion!
Sitting alone, in silence, each early morning, with closed eyes, one wishes:
May I radiate and meet with only infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all the various beings on the 31 levels of existence develop & find
only this genuine gentleness of infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings on the sense-desire, fine-material, & the formless plane
develop & encounter this tender infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings in the front, to the right, the back, the left & below as
above develop & experience caring infinite pity, sympathy, & compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country, and universe always be fully aware
and deeply mindful of this warm infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country, and universe examine all details &
subtle aspects of this benevolent infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country, & universe put enthusiastic effort
in their praxis of this affectionate infinite pity, sympathy, & compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country and universe find enraptured joy &
jubilant gladness in this fond infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country, & universe cultivate the tranquillity
of quiet, silent, stilled, & endlessly merciful pity, sympathy, & compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country and universe attain concentrated &
absorbed one-pointedness by this infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion!
May I & all beings in this city, country, and universe dwell in imperturbable
equanimity joined with this loving infinite pity, sympathy, and compassion...
Yeah! Print this out, dwell in each state until clear, use ~ 25-45 minutes.
Comment: All-Embracing Pity is the 2nd infinitely divine state (Appamaññā)
This gradually reduces all aggressiveness, cruelty, ferocity, viciousness,
rage, inner & outer violence, and unhappiness related with these states.
Joined with the 7 links to Awakening it will later cause formless jhānas...
More on Pity (Karunā = Compassion): Karuna_is_Pity, Space_Compassion,
What_is_Wrong, Safe_Medicine, Great_Compassion, Compassionate_Pity,
How_to_Cure_Cruelty_and_ Revengefulness
What_is_Wrong, Safe_Medicine, Great_Compassion, Compassionate_Pity,
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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