Poya-Uposatha-Observance Day Calendar in 2011:
January 19 Duruthu: Buddha first visit to Ceylon at Mahiyangana Stupa, which contains hair & collarbone relics.
February 17 Navam: At this day Buddha ordains Sāriputta and MahāMoggallāna and later decides his Parinibbāna.
March 19 Medin: Buddha visits parents home after Enlightenment, and ordains his son Rāhula, & half brother Nanda.
April 17 Bak: Buddha's second visit to Ceylon, at Nagadipa close to Jaffna in the 5th year after his Enlightenment.
May 17 Wesak: This Sacred Day celebrates the birth, Enlightenment, and passing away of the Blessed Buddha Gotama.
June 15 Poson: Emperor Asoka's son, the Arahat Mahinda, introduces Buddhism to Ceylon in the 3rd century B.C.
July 14 Esala: Buddha preaches 1st Sermon: Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta & performs the famous Twin Miracle.
August 13 Nikini: Bhikkhus who did not enter the yearly rains retreat (Vassa) at Esala Poya, are allowed to enter now.
September 11 Binara: Start of Bhikkhuni Sangha by the ordination of Queen Mahāpajāpatī; the Buddha's foster-mother.
October 11 Vap: Marks the end of the Bhikkhu's three months rains retreat and begins Kathina month of giving robes.
November 10 Il: Celebrates the Buddha Gotama's explanation of the next Buddha Metteyya & Breathing Meditation.
December 10 Unduwap: Arrival in Ceylon of a sapling of the sacred Bodhi-tree, brought by Arahat Theri Sanghamitta.
Keeping the 8 vows on Poya days is the Way to Divine Being at Death!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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